June 2011 Monterey, CA - Sea Glass Catch

by Raymunda Fox
(Monterey, CA.)

Monterey, CA - Sea Glass Catch of the Day!

Monterey, CA - Sea Glass Catch of the Day!

Found a new stretch of beach this particular day.

Instead of heading south as we usually do, we decided to head north.

Needless to say, I was amazed, mostly stunned, when I found this beauty!

Added Info:

Map of Monterey Bay, Northern California:

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Stretching some 50 miles from its northern point at Steamer Lane, Santa Cruz, Califonia's Monterery Bay provides a degree of protection from the big ocean rollers coming off the Pacific.

There is still a LOT of wave action, and glass shards turn in to frosted gems quickly, especially along the few stretches where the beaches are rocky or pebbly.

Lin and I have walked some of its beaches and look forward to more in the near future. Our grandkids live on the north side of the Bay south of Santa Cruz and love the beach (little surfer girls) and collecting sea glass (see Sea Glass at Seacliff Beach, Santa Cruz), so we will definitely add some photos ourselves.

Perhaps the most and/or best sea glass can be found along the southern shores of Monterey Bay near Monterey itself. An old community stretching back to the times of the Spanish missions, Monterey and nearby communities are an excellent area for visiting and enjoying.

See also:

Sea Glass Seaside California Monterey
1/11/2011 Seaside Sea Glass Catch
by James Hailey (San Jose, Ca) 3 marbles and electrical parts. With the rain and stuff there, more sea glass is bound to get uncovered and fresh pieces added for future...

Sea Glass Seaside Sand City Fort Ord
Seaside, CA Sea Glass Rainbow
by Heidi@Pajaro (Monterey Bay, CA) OK, not a single day's catch but we finally found a piece of red to complete our rainbow!
The results of 3 of us following...

Sea Glass
Sea Glass Vacation
Seaside, California, on the Monterey Bay - a delightful account hunting for sea glass with great photos and tales. Stephanie and her family exploring this beach for the first time  - with great results.

Hotels around Monterey Bay

Comments for June 2011 Monterey, CA - Sea Glass Catch

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Apr 22, 2019
Great Day
by: Kathleen

Had a great afternoon finding all colors of seaglass. The usual brown, green and white nut found blue,pink,lavender,1/2 marble,seafoam green,black and all different greens.

Jul 08, 2011
by: Raymunda

Someone had mentioned that this piece might have originated from "art glass."

Jul 08, 2011
Wow - Monterey sea glass???
by: Jeanne

What could it be from????? Thats beautiful.

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