Multis and Bubbles - August 2011 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Sarah Good
(Leicester, England, U.K. )

Multis and Bubbles

Multis and Bubbles

~ by Sarah Good - Leicester, England, U.K.

I love all the colours and textures in this photo- its one of my favourites....

It was taken on an overcast day ( normal for the UK!) with a Fuji Finepix pocket camera- Glass sitting on a perspex sloped display stand that I made at home, so that light (what little there is) could illuminate the glass!

~ by Sarah Good

Comments for Multis and Bubbles - August 2011 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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May 14, 2015
Great finds in sea glass
by: David and Lin from OdysseySeaGlass

This is one of our favorite all-time photos on our site and thank you for submitting it. We wish that more people would see this and express their appreciation and joy at some truly beautiful sea glass.


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