Need help with identifying sea glass with wolf's head

by Lloyd

Sea Glass w Wolf's Head

Sea Glass w Wolf's Head

I found an aqua (ish) bottom of a bottle.

It was imprinted with the profile of a wolf's head.

Could you please identify or point me in the right direction?
I posted this for you to see if some of our experienced sea glass identification viewers can tell you.

David (editor)

Comments for Need help with identifying sea glass with wolf's head

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Mar 18, 2018
Gordon's London Original Dry Gin
by: Anonymous

I also found one like this, so I appreciate the comments identifying it. I found it makes a nice tea-candle holder.

Jan 14, 2014
Wolfs' Head
by: Happy Hansen

Thanks for everyones comments. Hope all made it to the seaglass show in Va beach.

Jan 14, 2014
found it!!
by: Anonymous

hi, just an update - following suggestions in the other comments below, I was able to identify my piece of glass (almost identical to the one in the picture above)

It is from a Gordon's London Original Dry Gin bottle, and given the colour and direction the boar's head is facing, it was from a bottle imported to North America, made between 1902 and 1914.

Have yet to narrow it down further, or to find out more about the numbers, but it's a great start - there is a link on the Gordon's website that gives a brief history.

In the notes it describes some of the more significant changes in the design of the logo/ bottle markings.

Good luck and thanks again for the help/ direction!


Jan 04, 2014
found same?
by: Melodie

Hi there. this is the first picture I've seen of something similar to what I am trying to identify - I have the bottom of a bottle, with a wolf/ boar head in profile (facing right) with a cord/ twisted band underneath.

It also has the numbers 5 at far left behind the ears, and the number 6 above the snout at the very top...

I found this in a plowed field where I have found many other bottles and pieces of glass and metal and pottery (an old farmhouse?)

I have been searching many many sites looking for logo to help identify - any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you so much. will check the other comments' suggestions as well, best of luck.

Apr 14, 2012
Wolfs Head bottle bottom
by: Anonymous

Wolfschmidt is a brand of liquor...think it has a shape like that on it..

Jan 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

It could possibly be an old Gordan's Gin bottle bottom. I found one similar to yours and there's some evidence on the web that the wolf/boar's head was embossed on the bottom of Gordan's bottles. Check out e-bay for Gordan's old bottles.


Or (sp.) Gordon's old bottles

Feb 09, 2010
by: ~beth

A bottle collector might be a good person o ask..not sure from he photo...but could that also possibly be a boars head? have fun! ~beth

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