Peru Beach Glass

by David and Lin
(Los Organos, Peru)

Peru Beach Glass Barrancas

Peru Beach Glass Barrancas

December 1st, 2009:

We arrived in Lima, Peru, and took an afternoon to check out the beach glass at a few beaches. Right off the bluffs there are beaches where surfing is popular.

Our friend took us in his taxi to Barrancas, Waikiki Club, Chorillos area.

Being South America, there is quite a bit of litter at the high tide line, but we did find a significant amount of sea glass in a few minutes. We didn't have time to look for long but will be back to more thoroughly explore the Lima area as well as other colonial cities and towns along the coast.

This assortment was found in about 45 minutes of looking.

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Sep 06, 2016
Lima Peru Sea Glass
by: David and Lin

2016 - We have gone back twice to Lima's beaches in the Chorillos (Miraflores) area. Due lots of baseball size rocks it was hard to find any sea glass.

We have yet to check out other beaches just to the north and south of this area of Lima.

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