Scottish Sea Glass - March 2012 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Paul Rose
(Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)

Scottish Sea Glass

Scottish Sea Glass

~ contest photo submitted by Paul Rose - Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Where was this photo taken?

Taken at home using an old negative light box to back-light the sea-glass. 

The glass was collected from beaches in Southend, Argyle and Golspie, Sutherland during the summer of 2011.

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

Taken on 28 August 2011 at home.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

I love sea glass – every aspect of it.  I love the shape, texture and colour but I particularly like to wonder what the story is behind each piece: where did it start its journey; how long has it been in the water; what type of bottle or container was it from?

The great joy of these particular pieces was trawling the beaches in Scotland with my family during two wonderful weeks during the summer holidays.

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

Canon EOS 40D and EF 50mm f1.4, 1/15 at F8.

What tips or suggestions do you have for other photographers?

None really as I’m still learning myself – I don’t feel qualified to offer advice to others...

~ contest photo submitted by Paul Rose - Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Map of Northern Scotland:

View Larger Map

Added Info:

Scotland's coastline is rough and ragged with many points, beaches and coves.

The open coast is exposed to severe wave action from the north sea with good tumbling action.

The towns and ports are usually located, naturally, in protected bays and coves where the wave action is much more limited.

Therefore, the quality of the sea glass can vary from very well tumbled to shards depending on the amount of wave action.

Because Scotland has been inhabited since the invention of glass, the possibilities of finding good sea glass are many.

If any of you readers get a chance, definitely explore the coastline of Scotland.

Lin and I will do it someday. Not only is Scotland interesting to us because of the amazing coastline and sea glass; I (David) am part Scottish, being of the Cameron clan.

So double reasons to go visit Scotland!

~ info added by David @

Comments for Scottish Sea Glass - March 2012 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Jun 05, 2019
Seeking Scottish tour guide
by: Mary Lou

I hope to visit Edinburgh in 2021. Are there any sea glass tour guides there?

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