Sea Glass in South Africa Anyone?

by Candice
(Cape Town, South Africa)

We need photos of South Africa sea glass!

We need photos of South Africa sea glass!

My name is Candice and I from Cape Town, South Africa.

While visiting in the states i developed an interest in collecting sea glass off northern california beaches.

I am really enjoying it but return home soon and was interested in hearing of any beaches that have been reported as holding sea glass in my area.

I see on your list of countries mentioned, that South Africa is included. However, the name mentioned is Pretoria, a landlocked area of the country. I am sure that no SEA glass could have been found there, perhaps some other type of churned glass though.

If you know of any beaches in South Africa that are known to "stock" sea glass then i would love to investigate them. I will surely let you know of my findings!

Have you heard of any such beaches?

Wishing you all the best!


Hi Candice,

Thanks for your nice note. I feel so embarrassed, as I used to be so good at geography.

Previously, I had commented that Cape Town has got to have some decent sea glass beaches.

Recently, Terra added photos of some very nice sea glass found near Cape Town at Bakoven Beach. You can see those photos and now we do know there is sea glass in the Cape Town area.

Photos of Bakoven Sea Glass

What I will do is post your note to questions and see if we can get some more photos of sea glass in South Africa.

Please let us know what you find there with photos if possible.

and BE CAREFUL. Sea glass is addicting!

David and Lin

Comments for Sea Glass in South Africa Anyone?

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Feb 08, 2025
by: Shanilee

Hello everyone - I have a collection of sea glass that I have collected over the years and wondered if anyone can give me any advice on where the best place/es to advertise these are if I want to sell.

Internationally, especially, there is a demand however, postage is extremely expensive and wondered if anyone from South Africa has sold and exported/posted sea glass abroad?

Mar 16, 2023
New FB Page for SA
by: Monique

Hi, if admin allows me, I have started a Facebook page for South Africa Sea Glass Hunters so that we can connect and share our treasures and where to go. Please visit Sea Glass Hunters South Africa and comment, like, post and lets get the South African Sea Glass community on the map.

Have a great day

Mar 12, 2023
Paternoster Cape Town
by: Monique

Hi everyone, I am new to Sea Glass and this morning I went for my first hunt and found a few pieces. Not perfect but I am happy I found something. Also found 2 pottery pieces.

Jun 24, 2021
Sea glass
by: Gelene


I live in George and Herolds Bay is my local beach where there is plenty of sea glass and treasures to be found, every time I go down to the beach I come back with loads of shells and sea glass,

Feb 21, 2021
See glass in KZN
by: Marina

I live in Amanzimtoti. I have found some, bur very very rarely. Any ideas where to look in Natal people ?

Jun 06, 2020
Sharlene & Christopher...hi! I'm looking for turquoise and white sea glass pieces. Are you still selling, and at what price ? I am in Durban and can collect! Thank you
by: Maria

Looking to purchase the above

Jan 31, 2020
Sea Glass for sale
by: Sharlene Christopher-Kuiper

Hi there, my husband and I live in Durban North, we collect sea glass as a hobby and have x ready supply if anyinf us interested in purchasing.

Jul 10, 2019
We find and sell sea glass in South Africa
by: Terry

My husband and I find (and then sort, photograph, and sell) sea glass on beaches in or near East London in South Africa. We have posted sea glass parcels to Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Durban. Sea glass fans usually contact us through our site "beachy".

Jun 04, 2019
Looking for sea glass
by: susana

I'm looking for sea glass pieces in different colours for a project, I live in Johannesburg.
Can someone help me?

May 18, 2019
Black sea glass found, Eastern Cape
by: Yolanda Brown

Recently, on a beach trip I found what I believed at the time to have been tektites. Hours of ocean current tracking and backtracking and subsequent microscope imaging proved the chunks werent tektites, even though the colour correllated with backlighting. The true colour is a deep orange-green-brown. Pieces range in size from 11 gram, mid size 40-50 gram, to the largest being a fist sized chunk. Anybody who would like photographs are most welcome to email me at

Feb 25, 2019
Sea Glass for sale
by: Maureen

Hi there, I have been collecting sea glass for about 2 years and have made many sea glass wind chimes also sea glass pictures etc.
I have approximately 40kg. of undrilled sea glass, mainly white, green and brown.
I would like to sell all of the above.
Does anyone have a good suggestion on how I can distribute the above.

Aug 29, 2018
Sea glass
by: Solomon

Hello am Solomon from Nigeria happy to hear that sea glass found in South African. I will like to use this medium to tell whoever concern tt we found great pieces of sea glass in Nigeria.


Hi Solomon

We would love to see photos of your sea glass from Nigeria!

David and Lin at OdysseySeaGlass

Feb 06, 2018
Sea glass Durban
by: Gabriella

I work with the Street Children in Durban.

They collect sea glass for me. We use it for making sun catchers etc. I only have photos of what they have collected of South Beach.

Im also trying to help them find an outlet to sell their sea glass.

Any ideas?

Jan 27, 2018
Lots of good comments, no photos?
by: David & Lin - Odyssey SG

Thanks to all for your comments and recommendations. We really need some more photos so that viewers know what is being found where.

Thanks again and happy hunting!

Jan 27, 2018
Sea Glass
by: Antionette

Hi Candice,

We visited La Lucia beach, about 15km north of Durban, last week.

I found some sea glass on the beach, but only the ordinary brown, green and transparent (white).

As you mentioned, it is addictive!

Regards, and happy hunting!

Oct 05, 2017
Bakoven Beach, Camps Bay, Cape Town
by: Terra

Hello Candace. I have added photo etc, see Photos of Bakoven Sea Glass

Sep 24, 2017
Seaglass S.A.
by: Kirsty

Hi there
I found lots of seaglass recently in Durban .

Happy hunting!

Kirsty ( British expat currently living in a Joburg)

Apr 30, 2017
Bertus van Vuuren
by: bert

Hi I'm from Port Elizabeth,South Africa and I stay fairly close to the beach I have some sea glass I would like to start collecting more and maby make some money from selling them to local Jewellers or overseas ones

Feb 11, 2017
Durban Sea Glass
by: Anonymous

This morning Iwas collecting sea glass on the beach in Durban between the Suncoast hotel and the Blue Lagoon. Go at low tide. There is quite a bit.

Nov 04, 2016
found sea glass in durban
by: smanga


today I was at Durban and I found four pieces of sea glass on their email is :nka4zizi at for further correspondence

Aug 14, 2016
Strand and Gordons Bay
by: Amanda Bredenkamp Koker

Hi Candice

I'm glad there are fellow collectors. I currently live in South Korea and I collect here, but I grew up in Strand, Western Cape.

You will find sea glass on the beach where they permit dogs, in Strand. Between the pier and where beach road turns up towards R44 closer to Gordon's Bay.

There's a huge hotel on the corner. Those beaches are rocky and I have found seaglass there.

Blue is hard to find but plenty brown and green.

We should stay in touch. When I am home in March we can go collecting together.

Jan 27, 2016
Sea Glass - Durban South Africa
by: Jill

Whilst Ivan left a comment on this site wishing to sell his sea glass and pottery shards, I have tried contacting him both via email and cell to no avail.

Needless to say I am deeply disappointed. If there is anybody else in South Africa who is looking to sell sea glass please let me know urgently.

Many thanks,


Jan 13, 2016
Sea glass and pottery shard's
by: Ivan

Hi I am in Pretoria South Africa but lived in the Eastern Cape for some time and came across a sea glass collector that was wanting to buy a yacht and travel the world and for that reason gave a abundance of sea glass and sea pottery shards to me being a jewelry maker and artist he just wanted to give it to someone who could use and appreciate it.

He and his spouse collected these items over a period of 15 years and some have been carbon dated by a university of sort I believe ....I moved back to Pretoria for personal reasons and currently I'm working on different projects and want to sell these items ....feel free to contact me on +27 83 2511362 or email me on


Jan 08, 2016
Durban, South Africa
by: Jill

Hi, since a recent trip to an island off Mozambique, I have fallen in love with sea glass (they used it in all their decor which was absolutely stunning).

But unfortunately there is none available in Durban and surrounds that I am aware of.

Hence I am looking to BUY some locally.

Do you have any idea who sells sea glass in South Africa? Or internationally for that matter?

I'm desperate to start on some sea glass projects. Any ideas?

Many thanks, Jill - jillymcg at g mail

Dec 31, 2015
Camps Bay, Cape Town, South Africa Sea Glass
by: Gabrielle Karamanian - Vancouver BC Canada

Camps Bay, Cape Town, South Africa

I was shocked at the abundance of good sea glass.

I ran around grabbing glass from all over until I realized it would weigh down my luggage too much.


Sadly, there are a lot of vagrants and homeless people on this beach.

It's perfectly safe during the day but I would recommend wearing closed shoes on this beach.

Happy collecting.

Dec 27, 2015
Three Anchor Bay - Cape Town sea glass
by: Jani

Three Anchor bay has some very nicely rounded green and white pieces.

Have found some blue-green pieces there too.

Cosy bay between Camps Bay and Hout Bay has beautiful white sea glass.

And interesting bits of porcelain too.

Oct 19, 2015
Previous comments
by: >>>

Apr 23, 2015
I can help u
by: cathy gravely

I actually do not have much of an idea as to where we can get sea glass.

But one of my friends working in the coastal department can actually help us I guess.

I have already asked him about this. He said he will reply to me shortly.

Jun 10, 2014
Knysna, Mossel Bay and Victoria Bay
by: Jenny

Lots of sea glass can be found on the pebble beach at The Heads, Knysna.

Green, Brown and White with odd findings of shades of pink. No blue found during regular visits over a seven-month period.

Coney Glen Knysna also good for sea glass.

Same colours found at Victoria Bay, near George.

Mossel Bay where the tidal pool is located and surfers beyond the rocks at The Point.

This area at low tide down the stairs from the parking lot is good for sea glass and wonderful for pickings of shells and shell texture, colour and shape pieces.

Can 'sit' for hours sifting through the shelly sand.

Jan 02, 2013
South Coast Beaches - South Africa
by: trevor

I collect on these beaches all the time only green , brown (beer bottles i think) and white sea glass found so far

Aug 05, 2010
Sea Glass in S. Africa
by: Anonymous

Ok, just returned from Cape Town - found a TON of sea glass out front of Camps Beach, where all the huge boulders were...

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