Sea Glass Window Scottish Fisherman's Museum

by David (editor)
(Los Organos, Peru)

Sea Glass Window Scottish Fisherman's Museum

Sea Glass Window Scottish Fisherman's Museum

I came across this beautiful "stained glass' sea glass window while browsing the internet. What a beauty!

The author of the page says, "These aren't really stained glass. My uncle, Garth Sterne, made them as memorial windows for the Scottish Fisheries Museum when he was curator there. They are made by collecting sand-washed glass fragments from the beach over many years and then gluing them onto glass. He also did one for the kitchen door of the cottage he and John shared. I do wonder if that's still there. This photo is by Pittenweem photographer Bill Hill."

Photo and cited info:

Comments for Sea Glass Window Scottish Fisherman's Museum

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fishermans window
by: Mona

That is gorgeous! Love it!

Wow! That is beautiful.
by: Carla

I would love to make something like this. It's absolutely gorgeous.

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