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Coffee Break

It's one of those those exciting, bundled up, teeth-chattering, and bone-chilling dawn patrol sea glass early mornings.

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You've started before you could see the sand...now...

It's Coffee Break Time!

So, grab your coffee cup and jot down your early morning reflections here. Or just kick back and read what your fellow seaglassers have to say.

Note: To see comments from other coffee breakers, scroll down.

Have A Great Story, Photo, or Whatever You'd Like to Share?

Are you excited about your day looking for sea glass? Have you come across some interesting information about sea glass or beach combing? How about a fun or funny photo? This is where you can feel free to post just about anything. Share it!

Note - To upload a photo, it should be less than 1000 pixels wide.

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What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to the Coffee Break...

Solve your beach photo problems! 
If you're like Lin and me, you are always on the look out for exciting deals on great photo equipment. Today I was browsing Amazon.com and came across …

Glass Bottle Production 
In spite of the great increase in plastic bottles and containers, more glass bottles and containers are produced each year than ever before. …

My beach stones of many colors 
I took this photo with my Nikon D50 in Cedar Point NC in my home on December 21, 2016 at 8:00 am. It was a sunny beautiful morning and I was feeling …

Sea Glass Cape Cod 
Is there sea glass on Cape Cod, Massachusetts? Yes. You can see some examples at More information on Cape Cod's sea glass can be found …

Maggie Mangdol Beach Finds in Washington 
~ beach finds posted by Maggie Mangdol in Washington State June 3, 2014 I have only been collecting sea glass for a few months and am obsessed. …

Another Place, Another Time - Sea Glass Poem 
~ submitted by Sandra Ervin Adams Another Place, Another Time Through a computer screen I see, enlarged, a pendant for sale, fashioned …

A Fun Training Exercise to Help You in Your Sea Glass Search 
In one of my recent beachcombing explorations, I brought along friend who thought it might be fun to go searching out sea glass. He was amazed by …

How to tell that you are a hopeless beachcomber 
As I wandered the beach yesterday, searching out glass, pottery and shell treasures; these things crossed my mind...sure signs that you are spending far …

Jadite - December 2011 Sea Glass Photo Contest 
~ submitted by: Janet Marie Watley -  New York, New York This a partial collection of jadite that I collected on the sands of Lake Erie …

Sell Jewelry Online 
How to Sell Jewelry Online: Sea Glass Jewelry If you want to sell jewelry online, you'll have the easiest path to success by following these four steps: …

Weather report from Los Organos, Peru 
Well, not much story behind this. Cold weather is nice, scintillating, and refreshing. But for those who long for nice sunny and warm weather, we think …

Can you identify this strange fish? 
We walked on the beach for a couple of hours today but not much beach glass showing. However, we came across this strange orange/pinkish fish on the …

Pure Sea Glass - by Richard LaMotte  
OdysseySeaGlass's - Essential Sea Glass Library Pure Sea Glass: Discovering Nature's Vanishing Gems About …

Boobies, Humped-Back Whales, Sea Glass in Peru 
Northern Peru - Ah, blue skies, wonderful weather, no humidity to speak of at this time of year (August), and the beach is just beautiful. Amazing how …

Odyssey Sea Glass Passes the 1,000 Visitor a Day Mark! 
We are pretty "hipped," as Jeeves used to say. On Monday we broke a long-time goal of 1,000 visitors to this site in one day (we hit 1,118) and we wanted …

Looking for Art Workshop Instructors - Washington State! 
Hi, I'm starting an art workshop business in Friday Harbor, WA and would love to find an instructor who would be interested in teaching a one or two-day …

alaska agates 
We moved to Alaska 3 yrs ago and found the beaches here are very rich with agates and a variety of beautiful stones. originally from Lake Stevens, Washington, …

Sea glass South Africa 
Any sea glass enthusiasts in South Africa?

Seaham Beach England Sea Glass 
We, David and Lin from OdysseySeaGlass.com, have received a number of questions about Seaham, England area beaches.  We responded initally …

San Francisco Sea Glass 
San Francisco, CA Sea Glass by Kelly - San Francisco, CA Hi I moved to San Francisco April 7th just one week ago from Va. I saw a show on sea …

The "Colors of Sea Glass" Photo That Didn't Come Out in the Newsletter 
Well, what can I say! Big booboo on the last newsletter, where the photo did not show up. All you who thought it was a problem with your email …

Nice Big Cowrie Shell at Punta Velero, Peru 
I just had to post this photo of the cowrie shell I found at the point near where we live in Los Organos, Peru. The locals say this size is very hard …

Beach Glass - Day before New Years eve 2009 
Got to Deception Pass West Beach about 4 hours before low tide. Found 2 dozen green, clear and white sea glass within 1 hour, plus two pottery shards. …

Anybody Know Where Black Seaglass Comes From? 
I've really been wondering where black pieces come from. I only have one piece so I was surprised when I found it. There aren't many black beer bottles …

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Sargent Beach, Texas, Cobalt Blue Beach Glass 
Photo by artist: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nakrnsm/ / CC BY 2.0

Maui Dump Fresh Sea Glass Hookipa Maui 
Habitat and old dump glass remains at Hookipa, Maui. October 17, 2006. Other photos show good possibilities of future sea glass near this site on …

Interesting Shape of Pale Blue Beach Glass 
http://www.flickr.com/photos/alisonpavlos/ / CC BY 2.0

Sea Glass Window Scottish Fisherman's Museum 
I came across this beautiful "stained glass' sea glass window while browsing the internet. What a beauty! The author of the page says, "These aren't …

The Surf 
The Surf How sweet to ear and eye And nose The surf. It strains itself on grainy sand Then chatters as it goes In mirth And disappears …

A New Passion 
Hi I am new to sea glass hunting. I have met several wonderful people thru the internet who have directed me to the beginners beach in the area where …

Sweet's say hola, 
Hi! Awesome photos of North Beach, Port Townsend, WA. I want to try hiking the whole beach but doubt very much I'll hike as far as you folks did. …

Walking at McCurdy Sea Glass Beach? 
Hi- The wife and I are planning a trip to McCurdy beach in October and I was wondering what kind of beach it is. I have arthritis in all the joints …

McCurdy Point Story with Photos! 
McCurdy Point Trip with Photos Tue Aug 11 04:09:30 2009 Hi David and Lin I love your website! Thank you for sharing info. My daughters and …

Beach Pottery Shards 
Beach Pottery Shards - click to zoom Here is a glimpse of the kinds of beach pottery shards to be found on ocean (or large lake) shores. …

Agates are an additional find when looking for sea glass in this area of Washington, USA. I know that in Oregon and also other places, I'm sure, there …

Washington Sea Glass Beach tomorrow 
Hello to all, Some of you are heading to McCurdy Point this weekend. We will be going out towards the point tomorrow, Friday, July 31st. We were …

West Side of McCurdy Point 
I have hiked to this fantastic sea glass beach from the other "end"... called Cape George. The distance in miles is about the same as hiking from North …

Sea Glass on the beach in Flores Indonesia 
We've been at many remote beaches on our adventure travel journeys. But only after seeing this website, I realize the existence of sea glass on many beaches. …

Sea Glass Colors 
SEA GLASS COLORS - click on photo to see larger pic Just sharing these sea glass colors: Small sea glass in the right light is great for photos. …

Beach Bottles and Sea Glass 
Beach Bottles and Sea Glass My family has been walking beaches for many years collecting things: sand-dollars, driftwood, agates even some …

Sea Glass Marble 
(Click on pic to zoom) ~ submitted Tuesday, June 16, 2009 Wow, Lin did it again! This is the fourth marble she has found, and I haven't found …

Beach Combing - People 
(Click pic to zoom) We ran into Diane and her mother at the beach today and had a great conversation. They are visiting from North …

Sea Glass Shapes - Tea Pot or Animal 
My grand kids introduced me to sea glass this May. I collected about 30 pieces and am sending a picture of my special one. It was found on the bank …

Beach Room With A View 
Here is the ideal perch for the beach lover, beach comber, or sea glass collector! Reasonable rent! Book you reservation now! LOL We came …

New to the Sea Glass Hobby and Hooked 
Hi guys. I'm new to the Sea Glass hobby- just a few months now and I am HOOKED! Your site is WONDERFUL! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful …

Sea Glass at Swanage Dorset Uk 
I found these pieces whilst walking on the beach at Swanage which is a town on the south coast of England in the county of Dorset. The town has a lot …

What relationship does ambergris have with sea glass? 
I grew up in Seattle. In my youth (1920s-30s) the search for ambergris reached an insane intensity. It was thought that ambergris was the vomit of whales …

Sea Glass Italy 
~ submitted by David and Lin , Odyssey Sea Glass A couple of weeks ago, Lin had a customer trade some sea glass from Italy in exchange for making …

Sea Glass, Barcelona, Spain

"Taller de la sirena"
Hi, my name is Uli. I´ve now been collecting seaglass for 4 months from the beach in Barcelona (Spain). I fell in love with these wonderful pieces of …

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Flashed and Stained Sea Glass Donations! 
About two weeks ago, we received the above gift from Matt, my oldest son, and Moya. They have lived in California and now Kauai for a number of years and …

Sea Glass - Santa Cruz - Beaches and Memories 
~ submitted by  Keith Henley in  Santa Cruz,, California, USA March 28th, 2009 - Can you recommend any beaches near Santa Cruz, California? …

Know of any Sea Glass Books? 
I was just wondering if anyone knows of any books on collecting sea glass? I have LaMotte's book on sea glass and it is GREAT, but I have had it …

Sea Lions, Santa Cruz Wharf 
(Just moved from East Coast to Santa Cruz, California) So far I haven't been walking on any beaches - just fishing a couple of times off the wharf! …

Hobbies and Pastimes, I Love My Hobbies! 
Guess what, there is a mystery associated with hobbies. The mystery is this, why doesn’t everyone have one? The person on the street, when asked this question …

Coffee Maracas and the Seaglass Shuffle 
When I was putting this new comment feature together and thinking about what to call it, this photo of Lin came to mind! Yes, it was very early in the …

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