A Fun Training Exercise to Help You in Your Sea Glass Search

by Dan

In one of my recent beachcombing explorations, I brought along friend who thought it might be fun to go searching out sea glass.

He was amazed by my ability to spot the smallest piece of glass among thousands of rocks laying in a bed.

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View of a Beachcomber and...
George Grall
When he asked how I did it, I realized I had never given it much thought....so I thought.

I enjoy playing puzzle type games on my computer, games of logic and exploration.

A lot times these games require searching for hidden objects. You are given a list of objects that you must find in the scene on the monitor.

The scene is always a big jumble of thousands of objects crammed together and rarely in a way that makes sense. The objects you are required to find are almost always well camouflaged.

I've noticed that after playing the games for awhile, I can look over the list, pick out a few items and scan the picture.

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Irish Deep Shell - Sea Foam (Beachcomber Collection)
14x17 Dimensional Product

My eye passes over something that my brain perceives in a flash. I have actually "seen" and recognized the object, but my brain has sent a quick notice that there was something there.

I realize that my brain does the same thing on the beach.

I must unconsciously catch site of something out of the corner of my eye and my brain stops me and signals me to look again.

It also seems to automatically filter out anything that it feels “belongs” such as rocks, shells, etc and picks up on the out of place items.

Sometimes that is garbage, but often it is that tiny piece of glass that is ten feet away sitting among the rocks.  

So, there may be no scientific study to make a correlation between playing hidden object games and finding objects on the beach, but I’m convinced it helps.

It’s also a fun way to train the brain and eye to catch those little pieces of glass.

More Coffe Break observations by Dan from Boston:

Sea Glass Beachcombing for beach combers How to tell that you are a hopeless beachcomber by Dan (Boston)

As I wandered the beach yesterday, searching out glass, pottery and shell treasures; these things crossed my mind...

And, if you can't get to the beach this week, check out this sea glass for your home projects:

Sea Glass
Here's the Best in Craft-Grade Blue Sea Glass
Looking for exactly the right color for your mosaic, art, or craft project? Take a look at this selection of craft-grade blue and turquoise blue sea glass.

Sea Glass Special - Rare and Unusual Sea Glass
Find out what these specials are...peaches, apples, limes, milk... it sounds delicious! And these are colors that you may want to take a look at!

Find some beachcombing ideas:

Found Objects Crafts Semiprecious Salvage: Creating Found-Art Jewelry
Found objects can be beautiful both for the unique, unexpected look they add to your work and for the stories we imagine them to tell. In the pages of Semiprecious Salvage, you will discover the excitement of reclaiming remnants of the past and reinterpreting their beauty in wearable works of mixed-media art.

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