Sea Glass Cape Cod

by Kerry Starzyk
(San Diego, California)

Sea Glass on Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Sea Glass on Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Is there sea glass on Cape Cod, Massachusetts?

Yes. You can see some examples at

intact bottles of sea glass, Cape Cod, MA

More information on Cape Cod's sea glass can be found on our pages. Click on the following links:

I Love Cape Cod!


Cape Cod Locations?

Map of Cape Cod, Massachusetts:

Cape Cod's Atlantic shore is most likely to deliver up some good sea glass. The side facing the mainland does not get enough wave action to produce well-tumbled sea glass; on the other hand, there may be some exciting finds of a more historical nature.

Since Cape Cod's beaches are very sandy, sea glass gets buried deeply and is hard to find on Cape Cod, so if you are headed that way, don't get your hopes up!

If you do find sea glass on Cape Cod, we would surely love to know so that we have some more photos for our viewers.

With more photos to look at, you get a better picture on what to find. Again, not much has been reported so far.

~ David and Lin at

Comments for Sea Glass Cape Cod

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Cape Cod Sea Glass
by: Anonymous

We have found lots on washburn island in falmouth caps cod in common colors and rarer ones like cobalt blue. I recently got one that was from a 1916 coke bottle where you vould sea registered and cola clearly. It was also well tumbled.

Provincetown sea glass
by: Anonymous

We find sea glass down at the end of the Cape by the coast guard station. Someocal told us that there once was a town dump back in the day when people didn’t have much stuff. We’ve found glass and pottery chards there. Very abundant after a storm. Found a really nicely etched medics bottle topper and several etched glass jug handles.
No red We found a lot of bottles with little letters or patterns.
There’s a public parking lot (have to pay a minimum amount ) not too far from the place.

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