A New Passion


Kids looking for sea glass

Kids looking for sea glass

Hi I am new to sea glass hunting.

I have met several wonderful people thru the internet who have directed me to the beginners beach in the area where I live.

Then I stumbled onto this web site and how wonderful it is to be so helped when in fact you are a senior and found a new hobbie that you are so passionate about.

I love the beauty of the glass, the wondermunt of where it originated from, all the fantasy about it just looking at it.

I don't do jewelry yet I just display it to be looked at by my family and friends. Sat Nov 7 there is a Sea Glass festival in Santa Cruz that I am so looking forward to, I can't remember anything that got my excitement up in a long time.

Meeting all the wonderful people and sharing wonderful stories, I just cant wait. Soo bottom line is'" your never too old."



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Finding sea glass all ages
by: Anonymous

This looks like fun with grandchildren or other's kids!!

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