Sep 14th / 2013 Sea Glass Javex Bottle Bottom
by Nicole Blanchard
(Bathurst,New Brunswick,Canada)
Javex bottle bottom
~ sea glass photo submitted by Nicole Blanchard from Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada
I wonder how rare it is to find the whole bottom with the stamp clearly visible?
~ submitted by Nicole Blanchard

Added Information from OdysseySeaGlass:
The bottle bottom pictured is from a Javex bleach bottle, apparently a well-known brand of bleach sold in Canada and other parts of the world.
Since Lin and I have never lived in Canada, we aren't familiar with Javex ourselves and wanted more information on what this bottle was.
It's interesting to note that I did a diligent search for Javex on the internet but turned up almost no real information on the Javex company.
Wikipedia states, "Clorox acquired the
Javex line of bleach products sold in Canada, and similar product lines in parts of Latin and South America, from Colgate-Palmolive in late 2006.
In Canada, where Clorox-branded products were not previously available, the acquired products were briefly known as "Javex by Clorox", but have since fully transitioned to Clorox."
However, Wikipedia must be confused. A search on the Bing search turned up the following page and photo., apparently, Javex is still marketed in Canada by Clorox as a Professional Product.
I had already looked up Colgate's USA site as well as their
Canadian site.
A search using Clorox's own search box on both sites turned up several pages that supposedly mentioned Javex.
But when I read those pages, I didn't find "Javex" anywhere.
There are many photos of old Javex bottles on the net from collectors, etc, but very little other information.Other bottle collectors have lamented the lack of information on Javex and most other bottle history in Canada, and it's hard to believe that Clorox or someone else has not posted a history of this apparently well-known compay.
We need your help on this one. If you have any information at all on the history of Javex bottles, please share it with us in the comment area at the bottom of this page.
Thanks a bunch!
~ added information by David from
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