SHARKY's Blue and White Orb

(Kapaa, Kauai)

Blue and White Orb Sea Glass

Blue and White Orb Sea Glass

One day strolling down a California north coast bluff, peering down an extremely vertical cliff side, I saw something by a creek flowing into a secret surf spot, catch my eye!!, It was a translucent blue orb!!! I ran back to my truck and grabbed my long rope/dog leash, tied it to the back and headed down the side of the cliff and got da buggah!!!

I'll be posting a photo when i figure this out!!!

Comments for SHARKY's Blue and White Orb

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Aug 17, 2010
What was the orb?
by: MarinIL

Is that a piece of a Very polished pottery shard?
Sure is a beaut! Are you still out there looking for more seaglass?

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