Shelley Vincent

by Shelley Vincent

Shelley and Jake, Long Beach ,Gloucester

Shelley and Jake, Long Beach ,Gloucester

Meet Shelley and her pal, Jake, from Long Beach, Gloucester Massachusetts. They are some of the fun people (well, dogs are people too, aren't they) that can be found on the Northeastern US seaboard beaches.

Here's a little info about the area where Shelley and Jake hang out, Gloucester, Massachusetts.

Gloucester is a city on Cape Ann in Essex County, Massachusetts, in the United States. It is part of Massachusetts' North Shore.

Gloucester occupies most of the eastern end of Cape Ann, except for the far tip, which is the town of Rockport.

he city is split in half by the Annisquam River, which flows northward through the middle of the city into Ipswich Bay.

The land along the northwestern shore of the river is marshy, creating several small islands.

The eastern side of Gloucester Harbor is divided from the rest of Massachusetts Bay by Eastern Point, extending some 2 miles (3 km) outward from the mainland.

There are many bays and places to explore.

How about you? Have you found sea glass near Gloucester, Mass?

Do you know these people? If you do, you sure get around!

Sisterly Love- Okinawa Japan
It was wonderful to start this new hobby with my baby sister when she came to visit me in Japan! This picture just showed all the hard work we put in every Wednesday of July...

Tegan, John, and Charlotte - West Beach Sea Glassers
Tegan is an accomplished Egyptian Belly Dancer, classical style. They live near West Beach/Moran Beach and collect sea glass and other strange things...

Richard and Karen - Sea Glass Washington
After we had been at the beach for an hour, we met a couple, Richard and Karen, who love to comb the beach also. Both Richard and Karen have the most agreeable British accents (as a contrast to our sloppy American accents :-)

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