The Day I Found My Orange Piece of Beach Glass

by Alex Horn
(New Jersey)

I was in Florida when I found my orange piece. It was late in the day and hot. I had already found a good amount of good quality pieces and I was taking a break in the shade, about 10 feet from the ocean. It was hot but the sand around my towel was cool so I stuck my hand in to the sand, where shells were all around me. My hand came up with a piece of orange sea glass no bigger than a bean. I call it my tiger piece because it is orange and on the side there are black and white markings. It is perfectly shaped for jewelry, although there is a microscopic nick on one side. It was shocking when I went online and found how rare oranges are! Try to find one by combing the beaches, they really stand out!

ps: sorry I cant upload a picture

Comments for The Day I Found My Orange Piece of Beach Glass

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Jan 20, 2010
awnser to questio
by: alex horn

in florida on east coast

Dec 30, 2009
by: Anonymous

Did you find it on East or West Coast?

Dec 20, 2009
by: Alex Horn

I did some research amd i think its from a kind of bowl they called amberina, made in the late 1800's.

Thank you for your excellent contributins, Alex! We look forward to your posts.

PS - Hidden among our many pages are examples of amberina. Using the search box (click second button in the left column), there are several pages on Odyssey Sea Glass that mention amberina, most relevant being the Orange Sea Glasspage.

Contributions from you folks with a background in glass origins to amplify the information on Amberina and other glass colors is greatly appreciated! Other info on the history, ie, where and what produced the colors we find in beach glass, can be found here at Origins of Sea Glass Colors

David Schneider (editor)

Dec 14, 2009
Orange Sea Glass
by: Mermaids Purse

I recently have been finding tiny pieces of orange sea glass...yes it is very rare, something like 1 in 5000 or more. I'm kinda wondering what it is from. Mine has a little bumpy pattern on it and another has very close groove etched in. Any ideas?

Fair Winds and Calm Seas, Deborah Leon

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