The Sea Giveth - June 2013 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Kris
(San Diego, CA)

Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty

~ submitted by Kris of San Diego, CA

This photo was taken at Glass Beach, Fort Bragg, CA on May 19, 2013 at around 1 PM on a windy, sunny day.

I love this because it shows the glass in it's natural environment.

I did not add a single piece of glass to this; all of these pieces were just sitting there by the rock, damp and glistening.

canon camera photo contest
For this photo, I used a Canon PowerShot SX260 HS.

Always remember to take your camera and use it:

While it's wonderful to bring glass home to enjoy, it is also beautiful to capture it in its natural state. I have several photos on my wall that remind me of the places I've visited and found sea glass.

~ submitted by Kris

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