Treasure Cove - September 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Lisa D Walker
(Fort Bragg, CA)

Treasure Cove, Fort Bragg Glass Beach

Treasure Cove, Fort Bragg Glass Beach

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Lisa D Walker, Fort Bragg, CA

Where was this photo taken?

Glass Beach, Fort Bragg, CA

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

February 13, 2013, early in the day under partly cloudy skies

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

I love sea-glass, so showing this beach off in its full glory, with sea-glass on the beach, and the remnants of the former Gus West Island in the background, with the sun shining, was important to me.

The moment caught my attention, as well as my breath.

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

What tips do you have for taking good photos of sea glass?

Try to use a camera that captures the foreground to distance equally when putting it in a regular macro mode.

Fuji's are very good with this.

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Lisa D Waler, Fort Bragg, CA

Click here to see all the submissions to the Odyssey Sea Glass Online Digital Photo contests.

Here are a few more of our pages on Fort Bragg Glass Beach:

Sea Glass - Finding, collecting, sorting
Our Main Page
about Fort Bragg Glass Beach
Sea Glass - Finding, collecting, sorting
Glass Beach, Fort Bragg, CA by Ashley
Sea Glass - Finding, collecting, sorting
Unusual Fort Bragg Sea Glass by Laura

Sea Glass - Finding, collecting, sorting
Red Sea Glass, Fort Bragg by Gina
Sea Glass - Finding, collecting, sorting
Fort Bragg, California, Sea Glass Bottle Stoppers by Lisa A
Sea Glass - Finding, collecting, sorting
Sea Glass Beach by Lindsey


Comments for Treasure Cove - September 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Sep 30, 2014
by: Lisa D Walker

I very well may have left off the K. LOL! That's hilarious because I usually double-check stuff ... I must be distracted.

A more accurate history of the former 'Dumps' in Fort Bragg can be found in my book, 'Glass Beach - A Sea-Glass Lover's Paradise' which I published in 2009 through Blurb. I hesitate to post the link here because I don't know what your rules are and there's no HTML allowed. :)

I owe a lot of the data-collecting for its history to several folks, which I thanked in the Acknowledgements section of the book near the back :) A rework will be in progress this winter. I will be changing the cover so that it doesn't look like Cass' book. :) He has some great info in his book, too! He published his in 2011.


Sep 30, 2014
More information.
by: David and Lin from OdysseySeaGlass

Lin and I have been to glass beach Fort Bragg a number of times 2011-2013.

There was no sign prohibiting sea glass collecting the first several times. Later, there was a sign saying no collecting. Apparently, as Lisa stated, someone takes it down.

For a more complete rundown on Fort Bragg Glass Beach and what is happening there as well as a map to off-park sea glass, see our page:

Lisa, I apologize for the spelling of your last name. You must have left out a letter when you submitted your photo, since I just copied and pasted :) I'll change it (my wife noticed it, too).

Sep 28, 2014
Re: Spreading rumors
by: Lisa D Walker (not Waler)

My intent within my comments was to say that it is **not** illegal to collect the glass. It **might** come up (as it has in recent years) that the glass is of archaeological interest to the city and on the state parks side of the beach (northernmost site where the state would like it if people didn't collect).

There WERE signs up not that long ago that had NO GLASS COLLECTING on them that were put up by state parks. Every time they put these signs up, SOMEONE takes them down.

But California has a Coastal Code that makes it **legal** to collect human and other debris from beaches above the mean high tide mark. This also applies to sea-glass :)

HOPEFULLY that's more clear now, whoever you are yelling at us and telling ME that I do irresponsible research.

I don't know who you are: you were too cowardly to reveal your name.

I sign my name on my stuff because if I am wrong and am GENTLY corrected, I will admit my wrong.

In this case I am NOT wrong; you watch; sea-glass at Glass Beach may soon be marked as something of archaeological interest. For its 'historical' value.

Sep 27, 2014
Re: Treasure Cove
by: Lisa D Walker (not Waler)

Hi Melanie:

Currently in the state of California, beach-combing is legal above the mean high tide mark and it is legal to collect anything as long as it isn't an endangered species or of certain kinds of archaeological interest.

Now, in more distantly recent times, this has meant Native American artifacts and pre-1800s artifacts.

However, in more recent times, this has meant things from the 1800s to the 1950s. So sea glass counts.

The only trouble with that line of reasoning as I see it, is, even if the glass isn't collected, it will still fade away and turn into sand.

While not a bad thing, this means that the sea glass will eventually disappear over time despite their efforts to 'preserve' it.

Therefore it is important to preserve the history of Glass Beach by collecting the glass; that way it won't become sand. And people can see what kinds of things come out of humankind's ignorance of their natural environment. :)

Sep 26, 2014
Glass Beach
by: Anonymous

Your picture on Glass Beach is very good...I was wondering if it's against the law to take any of the glass ? Thank you !


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