What is this florescent orange ceramic found all over Coronado Beach?

by James
(San Diego, CA)

A ceramic insulator?

A ceramic insulator?

This blackish brown ceramic was found on Coronado Beach in San Diego.

I found over 200 pieces mostly like the ones on the left, across a two kilometer stretch.

They are possibly fragments from a bowl shape vessel. the remaining glaze is industrial day-glo orange even more so than the picture so i don't think it is any kind of Fiesta Ware.

There are some precision cross cut grooves through the arc pattern on a few pieces like it was made to break there or be handled by a machine. Just a few pieces had dots instead of the arc pattern.

Only found a few letters. A sort of italic "Re" and "em", a less showy "YER" and an "F" with speed marks flying off it like it was maybe fast. A slogan maybe?

I don't think this was Mexican or more than 60 years old. I do think that it was from many different similar vessels.

Probably not meant for food  containment. More like an insulator maybe. Any Ideas?

~ By: James, San Diego, CA

Comments for What is this florescent orange ceramic found all over Coronado Beach?

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Jul 16, 2018
Answer to fluorescent orange pieces
by: Lou Knowles

These are fragments of clay targets used in skeet and trap shooting.

Mar 17, 2017
Fluorescent orange
by: Nancy

Clay pigeons from skeet practice. Target practice .

Mar 11, 2017
Clay Pigeons
by: Frank

Those are definitely pieces of clay pigeons or skeet. I have been shooting them for 45 years and there is no doubt that is what they are.

Mar 09, 2017
Fluorescent orange pottery
by: Linda McCann

I have absaloutely no idea where/what the origins of your pottery finds are. I just wanted to say that I think that they are absaloutely stunning pieces and you must have been thrilled to find them.
(I won last months photo competition and was jumping up and down with joy when I made my find.. The crafting men and women that teach,say that I am the only person that know who kisses their finds with delight)

Great find

Mar 08, 2017
Pigeon toed
by: Anonymous

Very good Dave, thats exactly what they are but hers are a little bit older and were used on that beach as shooting practice or most likely on cruise ships!!....Seaglassdog

Mar 08, 2017

by: David

David @ OdysseySeaGlass

Clay Pidgeons used in Skeet Shooting

Awhile back we had some of these fragments and I remember identifying them as skeet shooting "pidgeons."

They are launched into the air to simulate the flight of a pidgeon and then shot down with a shotgun.

Usually, these would be found on a firing range. They could have been dumped there or the beach could have been used as the shooting practice site.

skeet clay pidgeon target

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