What Kind of a Beach Rock?

by Judy H
(Visalia, Ca)

Spool Rock

Spool Rock

I found this on the beach in Cayucos CA buried in the sand and mud.

The beach was thrashed by the previous week's storms and I found this rock. It's smooth and looks like a spool.

I know you identify sea glass but if you can give me any information, or a site where I can send this in for identification, I would appreciate it.

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Jan 31, 2017
Fish Vertebra Fossil?
by: David

Rather than fossilized shark cartilage, this would more likely be a fish vertebra fossil.

We find vertebrae here on the beach in Peru that is similar. Run a Google search on fish vertebra fossil.

However, the piece in your photo appears to be too smooth on the sides and ends to be a vertebra, but... who knows?

Jan 31, 2017
possible fossil
by: Steve

We cannot tell the size of this by the picture but by describing to a friend, this may be fossilized shark cartilage.

Like the teeth that are commonly found.

Jan 22, 2017
by: Judy H

I found out that this is an Amazonite ear plug.

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