Any idea on what the clear piece of beach glass is?

by Brian
(Bayonne, NJ)

Found this clear piece at the Jersey Shore on 06/7/16, any idea what it might be?

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Jun 22, 2016
Clear beach glass?
by: Anonymous

Looks like a Cape May "diamond"to me which is Quartz.

Jun 17, 2016
by: Wanda

Hi Brian,

Nice pieces of beach glass!

As far as I can tell from the one photo, the clear piece looks like a jewelry-grade white.

I think it comes from a thick piece of broken glass that has been very well tumbled for many years.

I don't think that it comes from some identiable source.

But I may be wrong.

Compare it to this (not very good) photo of jewelry grade A sea glass -

white jewelry -grade sea glass

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