Aylard Farms, Sooke, BC

by Carmen
(Victoria, BC Canada)

Aylard Farms, Sooke, BC

Aylard Farms, Sooke, BC

Been collecting sea glass from southern Vancouver Island for over 5 years now. Yesterday's find was a first.

Anyone have any idea on the blue glass ball? At first thought it was plastic - then I thought it was a bead....but there is no hole through it.

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Jan 15, 2019
Thank you! my first marble!
by: Carmen

Thank u very much - I think u r right. I've found similar photos and it is a marble - how exciting!

Jan 15, 2019
by: Carol

I believe that is a marble! Great find! Beautiful color! Thanks for sharing.

Jan 15, 2019
Good find
by: Sam

I don't know what the ball is but it sure is a good find!

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