Beach Glass ID Needed

by Jill
(Long Beach, Indiana )

Beach Glass ID Needed

Beach Glass ID Needed

~ sea glass identification question submitted by Jill, Long Beach, Indiana


I found this piece of glass on the shores of Lake Michigan in Long Beach, Indiana.  (right at the Michigan State border)

Although the actual piece of glass is not greatly weathered, we are thinking it is an older piece due to it being labeled "WINE." 

We haven't seen a bottle shaped like this, oval, for wine.

The piece is approximately 2.5 inches by 1.5 inches.

Any help or info is so appreciated as me and my children are new to this hobby!

~ sea glass identification question submitted by Jill, Long Beach, Indiana


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Dec 18, 2014
by: Jill

How interesting! If you have any suggestions for additional beaches in that area to find beach glass please let me know.


Dec 17, 2014
Wine Bottle Bottom
by: Anonymous

I found the same exact piece as yours on a beach near Beverly Shores, IN this past weekend.

Mine is weathered more than yours, but it has the same oval shape.

It is the bottom of a pretty old oval wine bottle.
Great find!

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I am trying to date this, can you help?

by Jessica Early
(st. Augustine Florida)

air bubbles
Where did it come from
What was it

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