Black Sea Glass Identification?

by Deb Allen
(Ocean Isle Beach, NC)



I found this piece of glass on a beach on the west coast of Ireland.

It's so dark, I can't see light through it and appears to be black.

Bottom has dimples and very thick around the base and thins out around the sides.

Can you help with any information on this piece like what it came from or how old?

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May 10, 2024
Three colours
by: Anonymous

Black glass, sometimes referred to as pirate glass. I have it in amber, green and red. You should get a glimpse of colour along a thinner edge. I have about 2.5 litre jug full

Feb 26, 2018
Black glass
by: Anonymous

Hi there. I have two pieces that I thought were black. Use the torch function on your and place the glass on the beam. When I did that I realised it was a shade of green. Hope this helps

Oct 03, 2017
I'm gonna guess it's green
by: Anonymous

A lot of old bottles are so dark the appear black but are really green. Put the piece up to a strong light and look at the edge.

There's a good glass ID website: Historic Glass Bottle Identification & Information, which can point to the era and/or function of the bottle your sherd cam from

Oct 01, 2017
Ireland + Black Glass = Guinness.
by: RJ

Black glass bottle found in Ireland.... I'd guess it is a Guinness bottle.

Sep 30, 2017
Black glass bottom
by: Anonymous

An old guiness bottle perhaps?

Sep 30, 2017
Black sea glass info
by: David

If you haven't yet, look at our Odyssey Sea Glass page on Black Sea Glass for some tips -

Odyssey Sea Glass - Black Sea Glass

Sep 29, 2017
Black seaglass
by: Susan

Have you tried shining a bright light through it? A phone flashlight works really well.

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