Corona Del Mar Sea Glass

by Logic

Corona del Mar for sea glass

Corona del Mar for sea glass

~ submitted by Logic in Southern California

Beach - Little Corona Del Mar, California

March 2009

My name is Logic the California Weather Authority and as a child I clearly LOL remember sea glass.

I was not aware until reading your web site that this glass is not bottles that were thrown into the sea years earlier.
Ok, here's the largest location of sea glass along the Southern California coastline that Logic found years ago.
In Little Corona Del Mar, California you enter the beach head north along the rocks and tide pools like you are heading towards Corona Del Mar State Beach.

You come across mountains of this glass in blue, clear yellow and green. There must be tons of this sea glass there for anyone to pick up and make a necklace a bracelet though it is more then likely illegal to be caught these days taking any sizeable quantity (sic).

~ submitted by Logic in Southern California

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Aug 08, 2016
Children's Pool La Jolla Aug 2016
by: Anonymous

I just returned to Florida after 5 days in La Jolla, California.

I went down to the beaches (mostly The Children's Pool and just south), every morning at 7:00 am. I was sometimes the only one on the beach.

Every morning I found 25-50 pieces (craft grade) lots of green, clear, brown but was pleasantly surprised with 2 cobalt blue pieces and my first purple piece.

I also found my first marble.

Jul 14, 2016
Little Corona and Corona Del Mar a 3x Bust
by: Daisy

Well, we gave these two beautiful beaches another try after two prior strikeouts.

We came in January 2016, April 2016 and we are here now July 2016.

Each time we've stayed for about 9 days and have yet to find one little sliver of glass. So bummed out.

We did drive South to a very rocky beach, San Clemente, where we each found 1 piece of pretty blue and that was nice this trip. Maybe tomorrow.

It has been nice getting out in the very early hours before anyone else though. These So Cal beaches are stunning.

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