Huanchaco Beach Sea Glass, Peru-08-28-2014

by David and Lin Schneider
(Huanchaco Beach, Peru, South America)

Blue sea glass from today's catch

Blue sea glass from today's catch

~ beach glass photos and information submitted by David and Lin Schneider in Huanchaco, Peru, South America

Huanchaco, Peru

Here in Huanchaco, Peru, when these photos were taken, we were drawing close to the end of winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

The waves have been continual and I don't think it takes a lot of years for these pieces to become perfectly rounded and frosted if they aren't buried too deep.

The longer they are on the beach without anyone picking them up, the smaller they get, so we are trying to "rescue" them before they are completely worn away. LOL

There is lots of riff-raff on the beach here since it is near a city and there are some dry rivers that occasionally overflow from a rare downpour. Then any glass, wood, metal, tile, etcetera that has been dumped in the riverbed, even many miles upstream, will get washed down to the shore.

After being pounded around by the continuous waves (usually 3-6 feet high or more), this trash rapidly turns into treasure for us beachcombers.

Especially desirable of all we find are the blue sea glass pieces, so we're always looking for those. Usually, though we may find one or two, we end up with many more rocks, bits of shells, tile, driftwood, and other odds and ends than we do with sea glass.

Needless to say, the sea glass is our very favorite!

~ beach glass photos and information submitted by David and Lin Schneider in Huanchaco, Peru, South America


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