I Heart North Beach Park - September 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Debbie Brehun
(Greensburg, PA)

I Heart North Beach Park

I Heart North Beach Park

WINNER ~ sea glass photo contest September 2104
submitted by Debbie Brehun, Greensburg, PA

Where was this photo taken?

This beach is in Port Townsend, Washington.

Go to North Beach Park and walk left towards the cliffs.

I found 500 pieces in 2 hours walking only 1  hour out.

Five miles out is Glass Beach, location of a former town dump. I can only imagine how much glass is there if I found this much right near town.

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

Friday, Sept. 26, 2014, mid morning on a partly cloudy day at low tide.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

It was so awesome to find so many pieces; every time I stooped down to get one piece I found many more within reach.

Never experienced such a find.

Highly recommend trip, although it is quite a ways out on the Olympic Peninsula.

It is well worth the trip, including a ferry ride, from Seattle.


What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

Used my cell phone

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Debbie Brehun, Greensburg, PA

Click here to see all the submissions to the Odyssey Sea Glass Online Digital Photo contests.



Comments for I Heart North Beach Park - September 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Oct 22, 2014
glass beach
by: johnmasters

What's going to happen to glass beach now. The end of a wonderful place.

Hi John - thanks for your comment and concerns over the future of Fort Bragg Glass Beaches.

To see comments from others on what's being done at Fort Bragg, please see our page:

Fort Bragg Glass Beach

David and Lin

Oct 19, 2014
Debbie's comments on winning this month's photo contest
by: David and Lin

AWESOME What a great way to remember the best sea glass adventure i had to
date.... so much glass under my feet i could not gather it all.... wish I
could go back there again...


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