Mother's Day Booty of Sea Glass

by Heather
(Duvall, Wa)

Mother's Day Booty of Sea Glass

Mother's Day Booty of Sea Glass

Here is combination of three trips to "Glass Beach", the last being Mother's Day 2010.

My favorite find is centered...a perfectly egg-shaped chunk (our daughter found an almost identical piece the same day).

This is becoming one of the family's favorite activities...searching for treasures on the beach and then sorting through our finds!

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May 12, 2010
Great stuff!
by: Harley

Does everyone have their own "glass beach"? There's a place near Port Townsend that I refer to as such. Is yours the same? I took my mom to Lake Ozette on saturday and we walked the boardwalk trail (3 miles) out to the ocean and I found a rolling pin shaped Japanese fishing float. My first ever. Very exciting. I posted here under "catch of the day".

Love your white "egg"!

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