by chad charlton
(okinawa japan)

Okinawa Sea Glass

Okinawa Sea Glass

took this photo inside my house using the natural sunlight coming through the bedroom window. picture was taken with the glass pieces placed onto the bottom of a glass jar. Wanted to capture the joy of why I spend many hours on the beach, finding those rare pieces to show all. Took the picture using a digital casio camera.

Hi Chad,

I moved this photo from the contest submissions to this page, since I had already posted another of your photo submissions to the August contest (only one per month allowed).

After reviewing several other submissions, I opened this one and found that it was also from you. Perhaps this was the one you preferred for the contest. If so, you might like to submit it again next month.


David and Lin

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Aug 02, 2011
by: Sue

Wow!! What a find. Those pieces of sea glass are just beautiful and you really captured the beauty of them.

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