Pastel Sea Glass - Marion, MA

by Melanie Browne-Klein
(Marion, MA)

Pastel Sea Glass

Pastel Sea Glass

~ by Melanie Browne-Klein

Most of this collection was found on a beach in Marion, MA

I found it on a number of day's, in all kind's of weather & mostly in the afternoon.

I love the look, the texture, the different color' me it is so relaxing to look at all the glass that I have collected in 50 + year's of beach combing !

I used a Sony Cyber-Shot

Added Later:

The beach actually surrounds a private island which is only accessible if you live there or are a guest of a resident.

I lived there for many years & my collection is from a span of about 50 years.

It is harder to find nice pieces nowadays.

There are a few more beaches in Marion & If I were you I would go to the town hall & ask them where they are...good luck & happy hunting !!

~ by Melanie Browne-Klein

Comments for Pastel Sea Glass - Marion, MA

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Feb 22, 2013
Sea Glass Bottle
by: Francesca

I found an intact seaglass bottle on a beach in Provence Town, MA about 20 years ago.

I would like to sell it but don't know what it's worth.

It's in mint condition, color is white, and shows the name of the either the manufacturer or the name of the establishment that sold the liquid that was in this bottle.

It could have been beer or wine, and also the street address, in Boston, MA

my email is: francescagigot (at)


Jan 26, 2013
Pastel Sea Glass, Marion, MA
by: Melanie

Hi there !

Sorry it took so long to get back to you.

The beach actually surrounds a private island which is only accessible if you live there or are a guest of a resident.

I lived there for many years & my collection is from a span of about 50 years.

It is harder to find nice pieces nowadays.

There are a few more beaches in Marion & If I were you I would go to the town hall & ask them where they are...good luck & happy hunting !!


Dec 30, 2012
Marion beach
by: Anonymous

Can you disclose which beach by any chance??

Dec 25, 2012
50+ Years Collecting Beach Glass
by: Anonymous

Wow, you have a big start on us... no fair!

Just kidding, it looks like you have a great collection and I'll try to catch up :-)

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