What are these large pieces of yellow sea glass?

by Robin

Large yellow sea glass 1

Large yellow sea glass 1

~ sea glass identification question submitted by Robin

Can you help me figure out what these large pieces of yellow sea glass is from.

 I used the blue sea marble as a size reference because I couldn't find a dime.
The lighter looking yellow in the rear has a nice smooth large scalloped/smooth edge.

The piece in the foreground was probably octagonal in shape and has the very definite notch in it.

I always find it in this one area.

Thank you for your help.

~ sea glass identification question submitted by Robin

Comments for What are these large pieces of yellow sea glass?

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May 17, 2014
Identify Yellow Sea Glass - Other possibility is...
by: Anonymous

Ashtray is certainly plausible but it might also have been part of a lantern or light with a built-in notch for a shade.

jds35901 at gmail dot com

May 20, 2011
Large Yellow Sea Glass ID
by: robin


My seaglass jeweler friend took one look at it and said "It was an ashtray".

That makes sense with the notch. Plus it seemed cast and that was a popular color of glass
in the 1970's.

May 19, 2011
Large pieces of yellow sea glass
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the tip about the glass books.

My CPA has a huge bottle collection that he dug up over 30 years ago in West Maui and he does not have any yellows.

Found another piece of it yesterday.



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Find Origin of this Yellow Sea Glass

by Anthony

Yellow Glass

Yellow Glass

~ sea glass identification question submitted by Anthony, in Maryland, USA

I think it is from an old Vaseline bottle but not sure.

~ sea glass identification question submitted by Anthony

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