Pretty Blue Gem - February 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by JanetM
(Bridgeport, CT USA)

Pretty little find of the day!

Pretty little find of the day!

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by JanetM, Bridgeport, CT USA

Where was this photo taken?

I found this in the first 10 mins. of our trek to the beach.

We went to our favorite place to collect sea glass: Seaside Park in Bridgeport, CT.

We're so lucky to live here so we can go during the season and off season. And it's just a 10 min. drive!

Weather and time of day?

The date was Friday, February 17th. It's winter in Connecticut, but this day was like an amazing spring day... bright blue skies, warm sun and 62 degrees!

Of course we had to go to our favorite beach for sea glass collecting.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

I was just excited and thrilled. I found it so quickly. There were even a few others looking for sea glass that had to have walked right by it.

I have found a few other unusual pieces all at this same beach. It was awesome sharing my find with some other sea glass collectors. I even got a few gasps.

One person I think almost crying said "This would be my dream find!".

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

Oh nothing fancy... just my iPhone 7. I just adjust the size when I get home.

What tips do you have for taking good photos of sea glass?

I'm not a photographer, but I do think choosing the right setting to do your pieces justice is key.

I find that at the beach where I find it is where I get the best photos.

I placed this piece on this amazing boulder that I thought made a beautiful background.

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by JanetM, Bridgeport, Connecticut USA

~ Odyssey Sea Glass affiliate Hotels in the Bridgeport Area ~


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