Sea Glass - Connecticut Beaches

by Lynne Vigue

Sea Glass - Connecticut

Sea Glass - Connecticut

~ beach report submitted by Lynne Vigue in Connecticut, USA

For a more complete list of where to find sea glass beaches in Connecticut, see East Coast Sea Glass - Connecticut

Here are Lynne


1 - Stratford, Connecticut

2 - Rocky Neck State Park, Lyme CT

3 - Guilford CT

4 - Hammonnasset State Park, Madison CT

5 - West Haven CT

~ beach report submitted by Lynne Vigue in Connecticut, USA

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List of Connecticut sea glass beaches

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Jul 17, 2019
Sandy Point, West Haven; Seaside Park, Bridgeport
by: M.G.

Sandy Point, West Haven, CT. Not only did I find almost no glass here (except fresh, broken shards), it smelled like putrefying sea animals. I read on a couple of sites that the best finds were at the very tip of the point, which is a long walk and yielded nothing. DO NOT recommend.

Seaside Park, Bridgeport, CT. I always have a lot of luck here, though only with tumbled pieces: I've never found marbles or stoppers here. But at low tide, it's a very fruitful site, with bigger chunks further up on the sand, and thousands of "mermaids tears" closer to the tide line amid the pebbles. Mostly clear, green and brown, but I usually find a few aqua pieces and one cobalt if I'm lucky. Glass is nicely smoothed and rounded. It's a great walk and I can end up with 30-40 pieces within an hour's time, easily. Definitely go at low tide as the sand isn't accessible otherwise.

Sep 01, 2017
Good CT beach for sea glass
by: Pat

Hi there. I'm originally from Connecticut and now in Pennsylvania.

I discovered the thrill of sea glass searching in Maine last summer.

We will be in Madison, CT for a wedding next week on a Fri and thought it would be nice to stay Saturday to beach comb.

Can someone recommend a couple of good CT places for sea glass please?


Mar 08, 2017
SeaGlass on our CT Shoreline
by: Anonymous

I have found SeaGlass on every beach I've been on in CT. Some have very little others tons. All depending on the Tide, population of people that day.

It's more of how diligent you want to be SeaGlassing!

Larger beaches with nice clean sand usually don't have much SeaGlass. I'm not saying you won't find some nice pieces there.

I find an hr before Low Tide very successful. I also dig in tons of seaweed with geese poop... always wear throw away gloves.

Hope you all find SeaGlas on our CT beaches! God Bless 😎💙💚

Jan 30, 2017
Variety Galore
by: Anonymous

Having been new to sea glass hunting turned on by fellow collectors it's so easy to get hooked. It is fun and relaxing and a great way for my mandatory therapy.

The best part is the whole family enjoys it, hubby and 2 kids.

My niece just recently asked me to take her and she had a blast. I did give her 99% of everything I found today.

Yesterday I went and there were large well frosted grade A thick pieces. Mostly were white and green with others thrown in as a bonus.

Fort Hale you can usually determine where the glass will be but yesterday it was deposited in the bed of rocks that were size of balls from golf to baseball.

I have not found that one show stopper piece but have noticed more and more people visiting FH.

My best find was an orange and 2 marbles, 1 milk glass and 1 white completely frosted. My key is to get there right at low tide and spend at least 2 to 3 hours looking. I have a few spots I find glass off the beaten path.

Good place for a motive

Nov 04, 2016
My first marble!!
by: Anonymous

Nov 4 2016 - Living on the shoreline in CT my entire life, I searched for seaglass as a kid and tired of it. I threw away all the glass as I grew to a pre teen I'm estimating.

This past September I decided to start collecting it again since I'm at the town beach often. I since graduated to a beach in New Haven that has what seems to be an endless supply.

It's now a few days into November and about 8-9 weeks of collecting and I have 10 large old canning jars filled. Some incredible pieces that are clearly thick. Weathered and very old.

Today however, I found a solid darker green marble just lying right in the sand for me to find. So exciting. No idea how old it is and sadly I'm sure I'll never know. And there doesn't appear to be a way to upload the picture I took. :(


Hi Anonymous, it sounds like you are hooked again LOL

You can upload photos to this site easily.

Go to our page and follow the instructions.

If you have any problems, contact us at

Happy hunting!

David and Lin at OdysseySeaGlass

Oct 15, 2016
My favorite spots
by: Warren Gatcomb

I started sea glass hunting last winter after spending a week in RI .

I brought home a few small pieces from a Charlestown beach and showed my neighbor.

He told me that he used to do this and that I should try Seaside Park in Bridgeport and Lighthouse Park in New Haven.

I have become addicted to this and have had great luck over the past year.

My collection is around 3 gallons to date and much of it is very well frosted and jewelry grade.

I have one particular cove in New Haven that has produced 9 bottle stoppers and 10 marbles.

My favorite piece is a turquoise perfume stopper.

I halve also found a frosted chunk of a Coke bottle dated 1925, a chunk of a mineral water bottle named Hunyadi Jonas from the 1890 era, many cobalts - but only a few are washed well enough .

I have almost every color including reds yellows and even a black.

My only tip that I can tell people is do not wear sunglasses,

Happy hunting everyone!

Oct 08, 2016
Bridgeport Sea Glass
by: JanetM

Oct 8 2016

Don't underestimate Bridgeport, CTbridgeport ct sea glass. 10 mins from home, and my cousin and I each collected 3.5- 4 lbs of sea glass (yes, real, frosted sea glass!!) in a few hours today.

We've done well here before, but today was particularly fruitful. And I have the aching back to prove it!! No tools (except maybe my trusty stick), just patience and a good eye.

We're done and walking back along the beach to go back to our car, still found another 30-40 pieces.

Oct 03, 2016
West Haven Beach
by: Amanda

Oct 3, 2016 - I park at Jimmys restaurant and go the the beaches there.

In between the piers in front of the yellow condos I always find the most sea glass during low tide.

I have found a blue bottle stopper, two marbles, blues, red, and the basic browns, greens and whites.

Low tide is key and then look in between the high tide line and water line.

I have a one gallon glass jar full of glass from there. Been going for about 4 yrs.

Connecticut Off the Beaten Path features the things travelers and locals want to see and experience––if only they knew about them.

Sep 01, 2016
CT sea glass
by: Betsy

Sep 01, 2016 - My daughter and I go to a beach in Stratford often at low tide and find at least 12-15 pieces in 1-2 hrs. She started collecting in Hawaii and enjoyed "the hunt".

There are many rivers that empty into Long Island Sound and there was a lot of industry here years ago, so even though CT is blocked by LI there is still a lot to find!

Jun 16, 2015
Real seaglass for crafts
by: cats12

Please can someone help me.

I am in a 50+ village and they have times where you can do craft by yourself or with residents.

I would love to do something easy with a few people with real sea glass.

If I knew where this place was would be fantastic.

I love to do crafty things with people and there anywhere from 60-100.

So any help would be very much appreciated My e-mail is


Please send me some suggestions or places that would help.

my name is Cheryl Peterson

Thank You


From Lin and David here at Odyssey Sea Glass:

Please note that there are NO photos of the sea glass found on these beaches.

Without photos, it is impossible to say really what kind of sea glass you might expect to find.

To find a specific named beach, go to Google and enter the name of the beach, then press Enter. At the top, click Maps.

You should get a map of the beach as long as the name is spelled correctly and named correctly.

Mar 14, 2015
CT Sea Glass Beaches
by: Anonymous

Mar 14, 2015 - If I'm not mistaken, the beaches that face LI sound (i.e. Westport, Fairfield, etc.) will have much less sea glass because of the lack of connection to the ocean.

I find occasional brown and clear pieces on Jennings beach in FF, but never more than that.

Sep 18, 2014
Fort Hale, Connecticut sea glass
by: Maria Vazquez - Vineland N.J.

Sep 18, 2014 - Fort Hale, East Haven, Connecticut

In Fort Hale I found a beautiful polished pink piece.

I've also found some cobalt blues as well as the typical colors of browns, greens, and the whites.

I'd say I would find a least 3 to 5 pieces an hour.

The only problem is that there are no waves so most of the glass is not cured.

So the pieces that are found that are jewelry quality are few in between. But there are some there.

Aug 28, 2014
Sea Glass in Connecticut
by: Maria/ Beeger

I recently moved to South Jersey.

There my cousin turned me onto the sea glass hunt.

I went to visit Connecticut this week end. Started hunting there.

Fort Hale, West Haven, and Milford I found to have some glass. Some very rare are jewelry quality.

I feel due to the lack of waves the glass doesn't get polished well.

Sep 19, 2013
sea glass?!?!?!?!??!?!
by: Jodi

and where is this awesome beach of sea glass? I have not found one in CT yet ! ! ! !


Apr 25, 2013
Beach Glass
by: Anonymous

Jun 15, 2011
New to findig sea glass
by: Frankinstine

My wife and I are new to sea glass searching, we have just moved from a city in Ct and now live in a beach town in Ct.

Our beaches a loaded with sea glass. We pick up about a half gallon of sea glass every day. It takes about two hours of searching.

Oh!!! the beach is our little slice of heaven.

Can you please tell us all the Name of the Beach??? And location where to get the Beach Glass. Thank You.

Dec 25, 2012
Rocky Neck Beach
by: Traytray

No Glass. Not ONE piece. Walked for MILES with a group of people and we didnt find one single shard.

We drove about 20 exits NORTH to Westerly RI and found several REALLY NICE pieces after just a few minutes. Mostly tinies, but perfect frosting.

Jun 15, 2011
New to findig sea glass
by: Frankinstine

My wife and I are new to sea glass searching, we have just moved from a city in Ct and now live in a beach town in Ct.

Our beaches a loaded with sea glass. We pick up about a half gallon of sea glass every day. It takes about two hours of searching.

Oh!!! the beach is our little slice of heaven.

Nov 20, 2010
Which Connecticut beach do you recommend?
by: Janice

Could you share your opinion as to which beach of these is the best?

I would like to take my daughter but would only have one afternoon so would like to go to the most likely.

Also, have you found any of the rare colors of sea glass there?

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