Purple Heart - July 2013 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Jessica Stevens
(Providence RI)

Purple Heart - July 2013 Sea Glass Photo Contest

Purple Heart - July 2013 Sea Glass Photo Contest

~ submitted by Jessica Stevens in Providence, Rhode Island

Where was this photo taken?

Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

June 22, mid morning, low tide, weather was calm and clear

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

Purples are my favorite and i've never found a seaglass heart before, so to find a purple seaglass heart is even more special.

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

~ submitted by Jessica Stevens

Comments for Purple Heart - July 2013 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Aug 14, 2017
Sea Glass Heart
by: Sandy

What a beautiful find!

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Finallly found some purple glass

by Anita C.

After an extremely windy day, with large waves on the lake I found this small but definitely purple piece of glass.

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