Red Sea Glass Lens - July 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Debby Dernberger
(Pacifica, CA)

Red Sea Glass #1

Red Sea Glass #1

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Debby Dernberger, Pacifica, CA

Where was this photo taken?

This photo was taken at Ocean Beach, San Francisco, CA.

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

7/21/14 3:00 p.m. light rain the night before.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

I was in awe, the holy grail of sea glass.

I thought it was a piece of hard candy when I first found it.

Looks like a lens to an old traffic light perhaps. Has a wonderful glow when you hold it up to the sun.

Approximately 1"x1 1/2"

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

What tips do you have for taking good photos of sea glass?

Get into the surf to find your sea glass.

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Debby Dernberger, Pacifica, CA

Click here to see all the submissions to the Odyssey Sea Glass Online Digital Photo contests.


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Comments for Red Sea Glass Lens - July 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Oct 30, 2014
Slightly disappointing
by: Sarah

I was JUST at Ocean Beach in San Francisco CA and really there was nothing.

I found about 5 tiny pieces of white and one brand new piece of brown which I threw away so no one stepped on it.

I walked about a mile all the way to the Cliff House.

Slightly disappointing considering the drive and cost since I'm about 50 miles away, but I checked it out.

Anyway I wanted to ask are there any beaches in SF that have been more shall we say plentiful in the way of sea glass that have been reported? I'd love to check it out.

Also, I've been to Point Richmond after seeing someone's writing on your site and some others - not really a "beach" but part of the mudflat preserve for wildlife.

In any case, some lovely little pieces, one awesome purple, one melted glass piece and LOADS of bits and pieces of pottery litter the beach - oh yes, and there is a lot of litter on the beach as well. ALWAYS wear shoes here.

It has an odd feel to it -please let me know how I can post some pictures of what it really looks like :) And anything nearby I'd LOVE to try out :)

Thanks so much.


Jul 29, 2014
Free sea glass business directory
by: David


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Jul 29, 2014
Yes, it's quite a find
by: Anonymous

I made a pendant out of it and can now wear it anytime I want.

If you have a favorite piece of sea glass or just want a pendant you can have me make you a sea glass pendant custom made.

Jul 27, 2014
Great find!
by: Devenee

Wow, that is really a nice big piece of red, congrats!

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