Yorkshire and Seaham Sea Glass

by Deana Cross
(Whitehaven, Cumbria, England)

Seaham Sea Glass All

Seaham Sea Glass All

~ submitted by Deana Cross in Whitehaven, Cumbria, England

Hi David and Lin,

I am a new subscriber of your news letter. 

I am an American, now living for the next year with my husband in Whitehaven, Cumbria. 

While visiting in the state of Maine last year, I was introduced to the wonderful search for seaglass, so once I was here I started combing the beach. 

After talking to a friend my husband works with, he suggested the beaches of Yorkshire.

I got on line and found you and your suggestion of Seaham Beach. 

My husband took me on a 3 day tour of that beautiful area and even though we only found small pieces, we did find a LOT of it and sent pictures back to Maine. 

The e-mails I received were of envy. Just a little seaglass jealousy.

Thanks so much for the information on your website. 

We had a great time and plan to return.

~ submitted by Deana Cross

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