Please Help Me Identify My Sea Glass I Found

by Gemma Tamburri
(Lusby, Maryland, USA)

 2-1/2 inches long

2-1/2 inches long

~ sea glass identification question submitted by Gemma Tamburri in Lusby, Maryland, USA

Please Help Me Identify My Sea Glass I Found? 

I found this sea glass on Cove Point Beach Calvert county, Maryland.

It is 2-1/2 inches long.

It is brown and not hollow.

At first i thought it was a bottle top and try to put my finger in it  but there was no hole.

~ sea glass identification question submitted by Gemma Tamburri in Lusby, Maryland, USA

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Comments for Please Help Me Identify My Sea Glass I Found

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Nov 10, 2015
Help Me Identify My Sea Glass I Found
by: Dena

It looks like it could have been the center part of a candle holder. The stick candle kind.

Sep 23, 2015
Chess Pawn
by: helen

I think it could be a glass chess pawn!!

Jun 16, 2015
Decanter stopper
by: Robyn Beach

This is neat!

I looks like it could have been a decanter stopper of some sort


David and Lin say:

That's true, it could have been although I didn't think of that at first as it is somewhat big and fancy, but... it may have been a stopper.

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