Red Sea Glass Cube - March 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Cheryl Isaac
(Shafter, CA)

Red Sea Glass Cube

Red Sea Glass Cube

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Cheryl Isaac, Shafter, CA

Where was this photo taken?

My husband found this red cubed piece of sea glass on February 28th, 2017 just north of Cayucos, CA. 

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

We often look for sea glass on this beach but usually only find small pieces. 

This time we found several larger pieces and this red piece (a first for us! )which is approximately 1/2 inch wide. 

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

This photo was taken at home on March 4th because I did not have my camera with me on the 28th. 

The clear pieces in the background (and the shell) were also found on the same day.

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Cheryl Isaac, Shafter, CA

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Comments for Red Sea Glass Cube - March 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Mar 30, 2017
Great find!
by: Selkie's Sea Glass

What a beauty of a find!

Mar 12, 2017
My vote
by: Anonymous

This piece is unique and awesome! I've never seen a red piece of sea glass before! :)

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