Sea Glass Mobile

by Diane
(Hobe Sound, Florida)

Sea glass mobile

Sea glass mobile

~ craft project submitted by Diane in Florida, USA

Made with driftwood,collected beach glass,tumbled glass, and stained glass.

sea glass colors line

Comments for Sea Glass Mobile

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May 21, 2020
suggestion for a cordless drill
by: Marianne

I'm looking for a recomendation for a good cordless drill to use with seaglass and rocks. Something light-weight would be preferrable,

Thank you


Hi Marianne, the Dremel is the best-known cordless drill for projects such as these. Check it out:

David & Lin

Sep 23, 2018
Cord drill
by: María

I have a cord drill, its safe to work with water.

Aug 09, 2015
Drilling Sea Glass
by: JudyAC

Thank you everyone for your comments.

I am just starting out drilling my sea glass from Newfoundland.

I have drilled 8 successfully and broke 3.

It seems to takeme along time to drill through a thin piece, like 20 minutes so I am doing something wrong.

Aug 07, 2015
No worries
by: KD

You don't have to worry about being electrocuted with a corded Dremel.

You are not submerging the motor in water, just the drill bit!

You must keep the drill bit submerged or it will get too hot and wear out.

Google it. You will see that everyone submerges their drill bits with no problem at all. So, no worries!!

Jun 22, 2011
drilling dea glass
by: debby rapoza

i just recently began to drill sea glass, you must mark the piece on both side with perm. marker place a bowl of water with a piece of wood for leverage using up & down movement drill one side then flip over to go through the piece. GOOD LUCK:)

Oct 20, 2010
Drill glass...for sea glass jewelry
by: Anonymous

Hi All, and thanks for the comments.
I went to a local Jewelry Supply store and...

(Go to How to Drill Holes in Glass for complete comments)

Oct 19, 2010
drilling glass
by: Susan Miller

I'm also trying to drill glass--

(Go to How to Drill Holes in Glass for complete comments)

Oct 03, 2010
thanks for the response
by: barbara

Thanks for the tip for drilling glass. Unfortunately...

(Go to How to Drill Holes in Glass for complete comments)

Oct 03, 2010
Drilling Sea Glass
by: Diane

Hi Barbara,

Use a small metal...

(Go to How to Drill Holes in Glass for complete comments)

Oct 03, 2010
New to site...drilling question
by: Barbara

Hi All,
I'm a newbie to this site. Also glad to see others that are fascinated with this amazing stuff.

I live in Seaside, CA and seaglass is abundant here at low-tide.

Some days there is just nothing but seaweed, but then there are days like I had on Tuesday where I spent most of the afternoon bending over to pick up some pretty teals, and aqua pieces.

I am trying to create a windchime but for the life of me, I just cannot seem to get a hole drilled into any of them.

I have a Dremel with diamond cut drill bits, wet the glass, but it doesn't penetrate.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I really would like to get some of my projects made in time for the Sea Glass Festival in Santa Cruz next month.


Jan 14, 2010
wind chimes
by: Mona

Love it! It's beautiful!

Jan 13, 2010
by: Megan

Diane, you are SO KIND to give a treasured mobile away! Wow, that has to be hard to do... Sydney, do you allow visiting hours for Diane to come see her baby?

Do many pieces shatter when you drill them? It has to be scary to drill into a favorite piece:-)

Jan 13, 2010
Reply to Megan - thanks:)
by: Diane

Megan, This was made as a family gift for X-mas, so I wanted to add a mixture of real from the ocean pieces of cobalt blue, white, pink,and green beach glass,as well as some man made tumbled,and a few stained glass.

Pale pink, and 1 or 2 cobalt blues in this one are from the shores of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, and the other real pieces, I found on Fire Island, NY beaches and or Martin County, Florida ones...

Really love beach glass, and have been collecting it as far back as the mid 1970's, so drilling through treasured cobalt pieces, etc.,is hard for me to do... THANKS :)

Jan 12, 2010
Wind Chime
by: Sydney

I have one of the sea glass mobiles that Diane made and I love it.

It's inside now and looks great, but I'd like to find a protected place on the porch to use it as a wind chime.

She put a few pieces of stained glass at the bottom which adds a pretty twinkling sound to the clicking of the sea glass.

Jan 12, 2010
marvelous mobile
by: Megan

Wow, so beautiful! And you have so many blue pieces!
Do you have a neat place in Hobe Sound to find sea glass or are some pieces tumbled glass?
I live in Jupiter, so I am interested in location location location:-)

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