Half and Half

by Helen ward
(Suffolk, England)

Half and Half Layered Beach Glass

Half and Half Layered Beach Glass

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Helen Ward, Suffolk, England

Where was this photo taken? 

Dunwich Beach, Suffolk, England

Weather and time of day?

8th August 2016, morning, fine weather

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

I love the contrast between the grey and white glass which seem to be separated by a layer of lead?

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

Just the camera on my Just the camera on my iPhone

What tips do you have for taking good photos of sea glass?

Try to get a picture of your find where you discover it, I get so excited that I often forget!!

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Helen Ward, Suffolk, England

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Comments for Half and Half

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May 01, 2017
Walton, Essex, England
by: Helen Ward

More from Helen:

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April 2018 Walton, Essex

Hi I found this piece of seaglass today and wondered if you could tell me if it might be a bottle stopper stem? I love your Facebook page and thank you for all your updates


Helen Ward sea glass ID from Essex Walton east England

Aug 18, 2016
Half and Half, Same and Same!
by: Dianne

It's so neat to see this photo!

I found the exact same piece last year in Souris, Prince Edward Island!

Big vote for this photo!

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