Sea Glass Windchime with Beads & Bells

by Christine
(Puerto Penasco)

~ craft project submitted by Christine in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico

 "Blue, white and aqua beach glass with similiar colored glass beads and connected with key rings to a piece of driftwood."

submitted by Christine 

sea glass colors line

Help us out. Can you identify the origins of these pieces of sea glass?

Sea Glass Identification ID question
Small Figurine - Need Help
Sea Glass Identification ID question
Identifying dark purple small bottle lip sea glass?
Sea Glass Identification ID question
Letters on Sea Glass?
Sea Glass Identification ID question
Does anyone know the origin of these pieces of sea glass?

Glass Beach Book

Glass Beach ~ A Sea Glass Lover's Paradise by Lisa D Walker

This book is a compilation of the fascinating history and the jeweled yet fragile present, of a beach located in Fort Bragg, California, called Glass Beach.  Read more...

sea glass colors line

Comments for Sea Glass Windchime with Beads & Bells

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Jun 10, 2011
by: Anonymous

Another great idea for seaglass!!
As said on other post, I work with seaglass, doing jewels, already for some years, and i am always looking for new things to do with them

Apr 22, 2011
Great Idea!
by: Oceanna

That is charming and lovely Marilyn! And made by your own hand.

Apr 22, 2011
Sunny Sea Glass Chimes In
by: Marylyn(SuperNan)

Once more a very clever recycling idea!
Thanks for sharing :)

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