Spend a year on Seaham Beach, England

by Peblsrock
(Seaham, UK)



All Washed Up

Hi, my name is Paula, and I run Peblsrock.etsy.com based in Seaham in North East England.

Many of you will already know of Seaham Beach, as it's world famous for multies and end of day glass. This is something I find really amazing, as people living just a few miles from Seaham have no idea whatsoever. When we tell people at our fairs that this glass sells globally, they look at me as if i've completely gone mad.

One of the most common comments I receive from customers andUK Sea Glass Great Britain Scotland Ireland visitors to my store is "I wish I could visit Seaham, but you're so far away" and I have to say I'm equally jealous at not being able to visit the festivals around the US.

We do have visitors from the US, Australia, Japan and elsewhere. Some stay in the gorgeous guest house on the cliffs, and all leave with plenty of good finds. The experience is something that I wanted to share with more collectors, and now that my daughter is a budding film maker, the answer seemed obvious, make a documentary!

All Washed Up is a documentary that spends a year following me around the beaches at Seaham, mixed with some local colour andUK Sea Glass Great Britain Scotland Ireland history. We're looking to add a professional finish to the film and will be offering it as both a download and a DVD.

To see my teaser video and learn more about the pledges, you can use my direct URL - kickstarter.link - or if you want the long URL from Kickstarter - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/443149165/peblsrock-all-washed-up

Some of the pledges include extras, such as a multi from Seaham, or posters, calendars, and for the
top pledge you can spend the
day on the beach with me and I'll add what I find to your own finds. Of course that one is for anyone coming to Seaham this year, but you don't have to come to the UK to enjoy this documentary.

We are coming up to a century since glass making ceased in Seaham, and 110 years since the harbour was extended, which
ended the practice of throwing the waste glass from the cliff, and already there are signs that the sea glass is beginning to become depleted.

Eventually it will run out completely, except for what has been buried on the beach by tourists treading them into the sane, and so this seems like the right time to make a documentary.

As a bonus, my daughter was able to secure permission to use various atmospheric tracks by MOBY to use with this film but only for the Kickstarter.

We do not plan to sell the DVD after this project ends, as without music it would be far less dramatic. We may enter the finished film into one or two festivals, but first we need to achieve our target.

Any support you can give would be really welcome, and it doesn't have to be money, you can help just by sharing the url
kickstarter.link on facebook or twitter, or with your seaglass friends or group.

Please do what you can to help,

Thank you


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