Purple Sea Glass - October 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Jan Fuller
(Port Orchard, Washington State)

Purple Sea Glass, what a rare find!

Purple Sea Glass, what a rare find!

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Jan Fuller of Port Orchard, Washington State USA

Where was this photo taken?

This was found on Rich Passage, Port Orchard Washington State.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

I found this piece of sea glass on my beach, and at first I thought it was black glass.

When I put it up to the light, I could see dark purple, what a surprise!

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Jan Fuller of Port Orchard, Washington State USA

Click here to see all the submissions to the Odyssey Sea Glass Online Digital Photo contests.

More Purples:

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Purple Sea Glass
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Purple Sea Glass
Dark Purple?
Purple Sea Glass
Purple Heart
Purple Sea Glass
Purple Sea Glass

Find sea glass on a beach somewhere in the world:

Where to find sea glass



Comments for Purple Sea Glass - October 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Oct 24, 2014
Another picture of this amazing piece. ( too big to add on the contest page.)
by: Jan R.Fuller

See this piece in my hand on Pinterest under my name Jan R. Fuller.

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